






Digital Magazine Gift Card

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Digital Magazine Gift Card

Discover thousands of digital magazine titles and read your favorites instantly, on any device, online or offline, wherever you go.

Follow the latest trends in health and fitness, investigate top tech to transform your home office, read up on the art of good living, plan your next holiday adventure, or peruse the catalogue if anything from quilt making to antique trading takes your fancy.

Available worldwide. - Visit Reward the World™ (https://huuray.rewardtheworld.com/) to browse the full catalog.

Tietoa lahjakortista:
e-mark Kaupallamme on e-mark-merkintä:

Ostajan turva 1300 €
14 päivän perumisoikeus
Toimitus sekunneissa

Lahjakortti on voimassa:
  1. Go to Reward the World™ (https://huuray.rewardtheworld.com/)
  2. Enter your gift card code and register/sign in
  3. Choose your reward and redeem
  1. Must be 13+ years of age
  2. Requires an account at Reward the World™ and internet access to redeem
  3. Usable for purchases of eligible items up to the value of the gift card at Reward the World™ only.
  4. Other limits may apply. Except as required by law, card is not redeemable for cash or other cards, not reloadable or refundable, cannot be combined with other non-Reward the World™ balances, resold, exchanged or transferred for value
  5. Gift cards/vouchers are valid for a limited period only as is specified by the expiry date
  6. User responsible for loss of card.
  7. For assistance visit https://huuray.rewardtheworld.com/en/faq/general or contact support https://huuray.rewardtheworld.com/en/support. Issued by RTW Digital Ltd"
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